ISO & Certification

PSI Products GmbH is certified according to ISO 9001:2015
The quality policy of our company was formulated by the management and is regularly checked for appropriateness and effectiveness within the scope of the QM assessment and revised if necessary.
The quality policy is at the end of this section. It takes into account customer expectations and needs, includes the commitment of all company levels to meet the specified requirements and to continuous improvement, and forms the framework for defining and reviewing quality objectives.
By the obligation to meet requirements we understand the entirety of all activities to meet customer requirements, to achieve high customer satisfaction, and to commit ourselves to the continuous improvement of the overall system, without neglecting the important economic aspect for the company.
The quality policy serves all employees as a guideline for the execution of their work. The company management is responsible for making the quality policy known, understood and implemented throughout the company and for its effectiveness.

Quality Policy
Our quality policy: To achieve a very high level of customer satisfaction is our top priority.
Prerequisites for this are:
- To identify and evaluate all needs and requirements of the customer and to actively implement them in the company
- We are committed to meeting all legal requirements as well as the existing group and company requirements.
- Every employee fulfils these requirements and a consistent customer orientation is binding for everyone.
- Customer Support
- Striving for zero-errors and learning from mistakes.
- If errors are detected, we undertake to analyse them and take measures so that they cannot recur.
- We will use opportunities to optimize risks.
We will continue to develop and improve our processes and partnerships.

Quality Objectives
From the quality policy, objectives are derived for all functions and levels of the company, which are essentially oriented towards fulfilling customer requirements, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, but also performance and profit orientation.
The targets must be quantifiable. Objectives and monitoring of target achievement are, among other things, components of the QM evaluation.
When defining the objectives, the fulfilment of the requirements for products, services and associated processes must also be taken into account. In order to monitor progress and target achievement, data are collected regularly (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) and communicated to the management as part of the management report or presented for assessment. The analysis of this data is the starting point for our continuous improvement processes.
All goals stand under the aspect to increase the customer satisfaction!

Quality Management System
Appropriate quality planning should define the processes required to meet the quality objectives. All relevant processes are described in the QM manual or defined and documented in process instructions. The resources to be used are also specified in the planning.
The planning is the basis for the continuous improvement. This means that the defined processes must be constantly developed and improved. Responsible for the planning, maintenance and improvement of the processes are the process owners defined in the process instructions. Through appropriate planning and monitoring, they must ensure that organizational changes ensure that the processes run smoothly during the changeover.

In order to offer the best quality and best service to our customers, our procedures are organized in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 which is reviewed and certified on a regular base.
ZERTIFIKAT-D-ISO 9001-2015, PSI Products GMBH
What does a certificate mean: Conformity of the Quality Management
AEO-ZERTIFIKAT Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter “AEOC (zollrechtliche Vereinfachung)”
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